Words by Ambassador Sydney Shumacher
Photos by Chris Hornbecker

One of my favorite places on the planet is this little area called Extended Play. It is comprised of two different jump lines in the infamous Post Canyon trail system. It’s an area where you can park and play or simply drive up for the killer views. Not only that, but it’s the perfect spot for practicing new jumps or even cutting your teeth a bit and trying some new tricks.

It’s exceptionally playful and truly has a jump for every skill level. I have spent countless hours in
this little zone and have always dreamed of a jump jam taking place here. All of a sudden, the
calendar was showing signs of winter quickly approaching so the jump jam planning was kicked
into full gear. With the combined forces of all the sponsors on board, the Post Canyon Air Jam
was brought to life.

The masses rolled in. Everyone from eight-year-old groms to 54-year-old dads were ripping
the jump lines. We saw the flattest of tables, the steeziest whips, and even a backflip no-hander.

Kids and adults alike were absolutely throwing down on the jumps. The party trains were stacked with 15 plus people and you could feel the energy in everyone’s riding. Not only that, but we had an appearance from Mike the unicycler who was hitting some of the biggest jumps on the mountain on an electric unicycle. Yes, on a unicycle. Parents were so excited for their kids and others were just so happy to soak it all in. We saw so many moments of stoke. One kid even turned over to School of Send head coach Gary Paasch and said, “Gary, this is the best day of my

It wouldn’t be a true jam if there wasn’t some swag. Swag was a buzzword for the kids present at the event. They were all feening to get their hands on it when it was flying through the air. Even some bigger prizes were awarded to a few of categories like best trick, table, etc.

A handful of people after the event couldn’t enough of the action and stayed around for a post-jam grill and campout. What a day! An event like this really lit everyone’s fire and set the precedent for more community gatherings like this in the future. Cheers to a truly stoked-out community.