By Ben Hazell

What a Weekend that was! Malverns Classic went off. Everyone was loving our mix of shiny new bikes, as well as the fleet of iconic Retro models displayed by Kona Ambassador & Enthusiast Alasdair McAlley. On top of that, we had a huge range of bikes brought over to us by their loving owners and it was incredible to hear their passion for the brand.
Malvern’s isn’t just a festival though – We had both Josie Mcfall and Evie Hidderly racing in different events and both picking up Medals for their efforts. Josie came 1st in the ‘DMR Pumptrack Challenge’, as well as 2nd in the British Cycling Dual Slalom National Champs and 2nd in the British Cycling 4X National Champs. Evie came 1st in Master Women for the Enduro, and placed 2nd in the Downhill. An almighty congrats to you both!

‘I had an awesome weekend of racing, chilling with the Kona crew and riding my bike. What could be better!’ – Evie

‘Absolutely incredible weekend, partying with friends and racing for medals! So many friends who race different disciplines brought together made it an unreal weekend! And to top it off with 3 podiums, even better!’ – Josie

Kona has a MTB Heritage spanning over 35 Years and Malverns Classic is the best way to showcase this to the UK MTB community. We will be back next Year!